英國首相蘇納克(Rishi Sunak)「延長數學必修教育至 18 歲」計畫
In his first speech of 2023, the Prime Minister will set out his priorities for the year ahead and ambition for a better future for Britain.

In his first speech of 2023, the Prime Minister will set out his priorities for the year ahead and ambition for a better future for Britain.
The PM will commit to taking the necessary action to deliver for the long term on issues such as low numeracy rates.
As part of this, he will set a new ambition of ensuring that all school pupils in England study some form of maths to the age of 18.
The Prime Minister is expected to say in a speech today [Wednesday 4 January]:
This is personal for me. Every opportunity I’ve had in life began with the education I was so fortunate to receive.
And it’s the single most important reason why I came into politics: to give every child the highest possible standard of education.
Thanks to the reforms we’ve introduced since 2010, and the hard work of so many excellent teachers, we’ve made incredible progress.
With the right plan – the right commitment to excellence – I see no reason why we cannot rival the best education systems in the world”.
Recognising the practical challenges involved, the PM will acknowledge that reform on this scale won’t be easy. He will commit to starting the work of introducing maths to 18 in this Parliament and finishing it in the next.
Around 8 million adults in England have the numeracy skills of primary school children. Currently only around half of 16-19 year olds study any maths at all and the problem is particularly acute for disadvantaged pupils, 60% of whom do not have basic maths skills at age 16.
Despite these poor standards, the UK remains one of the only countries in the world to not to require children to study some form of maths up to the age of 18. This includes the majority of OECD countries, including Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Finland, Japan, Norway and the USA.
The Prime Minister will commit to take action to reverse these trends by introducing maths to 18 for all pupils in England. He will say:
One of the biggest changes in mindset we need in education today is to reimagine our approach to numeracy.
Right now, just half of all 16–19-year-olds study any maths at all. Yet in a world where data is everywhere and statistics underpin every job, our children’s jobs will require more analytical skills than ever before.
And letting our children out into the world without those skills, is letting our children down”.
Maths to 18 will equip young people with the quantitative and statistical skills that they will need for the jobs of today and the future. This includes having the right skills to feel confident with finances in later life, including finding the best mortgage deal or savings rate.
The government’s focus on literacy since 2010, including phonics, has led to significant improvements in standards. In 2012, only 58% of 6-year-olds were able to read words fluently. By 2019, the figure had risen to 82%. Our renewed focus on numeracy will aim to match this achievement.
The government does not envisage making maths A-Level compulsory for all 16-year-olds. Further detail will be set out in due course but the government is exploring existing routes, such as the Core Maths qualifications and T-Levels, as well as more innovative options.
The ambition is the PM’s first major intervention on education since entering office and reflects his mission to ensure that more children leave school with the right skills in numeracy and literacy.
At the Autumn Statement, the government announced that it will invest an additional £2bn in schools next year and £2bn the year after, taking school funding to its highest ever level.
在 2023 年的首次講話中,首相將闡述未來一年的優先事項以及英國更美好未來的雄心壯志。

在 2023 年的首次講話中,首相將闡述未來一年的優先事項以及英國更美好未來的雄心壯志。
作為其中的一部分,他將製定新的目標,確保英格蘭所有學生在 18 歲之前學習某種形式的數學。
預計總理將在今天(1 月 4 日星期三)的講話中表示:
英國約有 800 萬成年人擁有小學生的計算能力。目前,只有大約一半的 16-19 歲學生學習數學,這個問題對於弱勢學生來說尤其嚴重,其中 60% 在 16 歲時不具備基本的數學技能。
儘管標準很差,英國仍然是世界上唯一不要求 18 歲以下兒童學習某種形式數學的國家之一。這包括大多數經合組織國家,包括澳大利亞、加拿大、法國、德國、芬蘭、日本、挪威和美國。
首相將承諾採取行動扭轉這些趨勢,為英格蘭所有 18 歲學生引入數學課程。他會說:
目前,只有一半的 16 至 19 歲青少年學習過數學。然而,在數據無處不在、統計支撐每項工作的世界中,我們孩子的工作將比以往任何時候都需要更多的分析技能。
自 2010 年以來,政府重點關注識字(包括自然拼讀),導致標準顯著提高。2012年,只有58%的6歲兒童能夠流利地閱讀單詞。到2019年,這一數字已上升至82%。我們對計算能力的重新關注將旨在追平這一成就。
政府並不打算將 A-Level 數學作為所有 16 歲學生的必修課。進一步的細節將在適當的時候公佈,但政府正在探索現有的路線,例如核心數學資格和T-Levels,以及更多創新的選擇。
在秋季聲明中,政府宣布明年將向學校追加投資 20 億英鎊,後年再投資 20 億英鎊,使學校資金達到歷史最高水平。