別把鑽石當玻璃珠:劉大偉 (Davy Liu) at TEDxTaipei 2013

別把鑽石當玻璃珠:劉大偉 (Davy Liu) at TEDxTaipei 2013

迪士尼動畫師、肯渡製片總裁 劉大偉於1990起受聘於迪士尼動畫製片廠,參與了多部動漫電影製作,著名代表作品有美女與野獸,獅子王,阿拉丁,花木蘭等等。後來又受聘於華納兄弟,參與製作了怪物奇兵和魔劍奇兵等等。 1998 被聘到喬治盧卡斯導演的工業光魔特效公司,擔任藝術指導,參與星際大戰1和科學怪人的製作,在佈景,風格,3D模型設計及數位光影等多種特殊領域皆有獨特的展現。 2000年起,又鍾情於插畫繪製,分別為美國商業週刊,時代,華爾街日報等各大雜誌繪製插畫,並獲選為2000年全美國最獨特插畫家。同時間也為迪士尼製片廠,美式足球超級杯製作廣告。 2004 年自行創業,成立肯渡製片,擔任總裁至今。近年來埋首創作一系列著作,已完成的有 "夢中的巨葉","火魚","喬丹的訪客","國王的盛宴","魔麗樹" 等。 2013 完成 "別把鑽石當玻璃珠",商業週刊出版。 Disney illustrator, Founder of Kendu Films Kendu Films Founder Davy Liu immigrated to the United States at the age of 13. He struggled through most of his academic years as he tried to associate into the western culture. He found comfort in art and his artistic talents landed him awards at the national level. At age 19, Davy was recruited by Walt Disney Feature Animation and was assigned to classic films such as "Beauty and the Beast," "Aladdin," "Mulan," and "The Lion King". He later joined Warner Brothers to work on Space Jam and Quest of Camelot. In 1998, he was offered an art director position at George Lucas' Industrial Light and Magic. There, his projects included Star Wars Episode I and Frankenstein. In year 2000, Davy resumed the role as an illustrator, and his pieces were featured in the pages of Business Week, Time Magazine, and the Wall Street Journal. He continued to work on projects with Disney as well as ads for Super Bowl. Davy's achievements earned him the title: Most Distinctive Illustrator of 2000. Davy founded Kendu Films in 2004. His recent works include the picture book series "Invisible Tails".

